Is there room for religion in science?
Jerry Coyne at Why Evolution is True highly recommends this video (see Dawkins on Al Jazeera). I watched it over lunch and can second his recommendation. It’s an Al Jazeera talk back show – The Stream...
View ArticleScience – the greatest story ever told
Book Review: A Crisis of Faith – Atheism, Emerging Technologies and the Future of Humanity by Phil Torres Price: Kindle Edition$5.99 Paperback: $19.95 File Size: 498 KB Print Length: 174 pages...
View ArticleSecularism – its internal problems
Book Review: How to Be Secular: A Call to Arms for Religious Freedom by James Berlinerblau Price: US$15.29 Hardcover: 336 pages Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (September 11, 2012) Language:...
View ArticleNaturalism and science are incompatible
Well, that’s what the Christian apologist philosopher Alvin Plantinga claims. And he has written a book to “prove” it - Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism. Apparently its...
View ArticleMoving into the mainstream – on the coat tails of the “New Atheists”
Credit: BadGnus radio The so-called “new atheists” (or Gnus) – Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, etc., generally get a very bad press from the religiously inclined....
View ArticleFiddling with census figures for religion in New Zealand
Despite the bad publicity dogging the Catholic church internationally, Karl du Fresne reports that many NZ Catholics have a positive picture of their church in New Zealand (see Catholicism: Holy...
View ArticleSource of moral authority has shifted
A recent poll in the UK confirms a trend I have noticed elsewhere – the movement of younger people away from organised religion, and to a slightly lesser extent, from religious beliefs. But also to a...
View ArticleChristianity has hijacked human values
A short answer to a question often asked of atheists and other non-believers. Professor Jim Al Khalili points out that those people asking the question have got it the wrong way around ’Christian...
View ArticleCensus 2013 – religious diversity
Statistics New Zealand has released preliminary figures for religious affiliation from the 2013 census. The raw figures show for the major affiliations (Christian and No religion) the following:...
View ArticleWhat makes something right or wrong?
Here is another of the 4 animated videos produced by the British Humanist Association. They are all narrated by Stephen Fry. This one deals with aspects of morality – an important subject where the...
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