You may have heard of Michael Wilson – he’s very active on Twitter. Well, turns out he is a photographer/videographer and has, in the past few days, launched a new film project “God is Incredible – the Movie.”
He describes it this way:
I have been told that everyone needs to believe in something so I am heading out on a road trip. I will be test driving religions around my country of New Zealand (sometimes referred to as Godzone). I am planning to visit many groups who think theirs is the one true religion and everyone will get the chance to pitch their god or gods.
I will also be talking to experts in religion including professors who have had their lives threatened and even faced trial for heresy.
It is going to be a interesting ride and I’ll be taking you with me when I set up a an ask a atheist tent at the biggest Christian event in New Zealand or knock on the Door of Opus Dei. I’ll talk to the vicar who ran the billboard with the Virgin Mary with a pregnancy test & a picture of Jesus on the cross being “liked” on Judas’ Facebook page.
Add to this confirmed interviews with young earthers, ark fanciers, tongue speakers, spiritual healers and a mosque with jihadists on their wall of fame
The movie will hopefully culminate with interviews with New Zealand’s two most famous religious figures.
Point is, he needs finance for this project and is raising it through an appeal on Indiegogo (see God Is Incredible — Indiegogo). His target is $10,00 over the next few months. After a few days it has already reached over $3,000 so it looks like he has the support.
Donors are likely to get benefits above and beyond that ” warm glow of knowing you helped make this movie become a reality.” Like a free digital download of the movie or mention in the final credits. That persuaded me – I have made my small contribution.
The project does look interesting and I am sure many people would be interested in a movie providing an overview of religion in New Zealand.
Thanks to: @GodlessAtheist and †@NZAtheistBus.